The registration period has been expired.
200 € (full price) 280 € (full price)
80 € (students) 100 € (students)
To register as a student, please send the number and validity period of your student card. Please note that student IDs will be checked during registration at the symposium.
The registration fee covers attendance of all symposium sessions, lunches and refreshments as well as congress documents (program, abstracts, city plans etc.).
The final deadline for registration and abstract submission is 15 August 2012.
Please note that the registration fee cannot be transferred online via the registration form but has to be paid independently to one of the following accounts:
IBAN: AT08 3200 0000 0067 5447 AT57 3200 0000 5067 5446
Account no:00000675447 00050675446
Sort code: 32000 32000
Raiffeisenbank NÖ-Wien, Friedrich-W.-Raiffeisen-Platz 1, A-1020 Vienna, Austria.
IMPORTANT: Please write "FA570900" and "GRN Symposium" as the purpose of money transfer on your form.
Cancellations are accepted in written form only and should be directed to the administrator. Withdrawals received before 1 June 2012 will be refunded after deduction of a handling charge of 10% of the fee paid, plus any bank charges incurred. In the event of cancellation between 1 June 2012 and 29 August 2012, 50% of the remaining fee shall be refunded after deduction of any bank charges incurred. Fees can not be longer refunded in the event of cancellation after 20 August 2012.